Racial Discussion Resources

Hopkins affiliates wearing masks and standing in solidarity for Black lives.

We recognize that we have a lot more work to do to bring about systemic culture change that will address structural racism within our own organization and enhance the work experience for all of our employees.

The JHM Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity (ODIHE) is committed to providing diversity, inclusion, health equity, and cultural competency training across Johns Hopkins Medicine and committed to listening, understanding and implementing strategies to advance and strengthen our commitment to diversity and inclusion. Below are lists of resources for your department/unit leadership and staff.


Guidelines for Facilitating Racial Dialogues Webinar

This is a compilation of webinars conducted by the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity, providing guidelines to managers and leadership on how to conduct racial discussions and listening sessions.

Guidelines for Facilitating Racial Dialogues Webinar

Q&A: Guidelines for Facilitating Racial Dialogues Webinar

This is a compilation of questions asked during the 5 "Guidelines for Facilitating Racial Dialogues" webinars held by the JHM Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity in July 2020.

QA Guidelines for Facilitating Racial Dialogues Webinar

Supporting the Asian Community

JHM Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Health Equity Fast Facts Definition Sheet

  • Being invited to the dance.
  • Being asked to dance.
  • A practice of addressing the unique barriers that disadvantage a subset of the population because of their differences—providing transportation for those who do not have a ride to the dance.

Download the full fact sheet